
Latest version: v1.11.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Save emails with lower case letters when creating a new user. [tinagerber]



- Add a basic user export to the user_management`-view.
It exports all member properties and the assigned groups of the users.



- Fix bug causing that the "Site Administrators" group causes errors. [jone]

- Add "User Manager" role. [jone]

- Fix translation of users management action. [jone]

- Drop support for Plone 4.1 because the dependency `ftw.tabbedview` has
dropped support for Plone 4.1 too. [mbaechtold]



- Fix change-password url in mails to point to Plone's form. [jone]



- Remove includeDependencies statement.

- Add constraint to ftw.upgrade dependency.
We require at least the version where ftw.upgrade has added the
upgrade-step:directory directive.

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