
Latest version: v1.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- fix ordering of commandline help

- fix help for debug



- fix encoding problems caused by cache

- better debugging

- commandline to turn on debug info

- script install uses buildout part name

- extra documentation

- commandline help



- fixed --pipeline option

- fixed eggs= options

- added prune support

- removed transmogrify.htmltesting as a dependency

- improved documentation
[Jean Jordaan]

- moved main repository to github collective



- Removed z3c.recipe.scripts as a dependency since it creates version conflicts with older zope installs.
["Dylan Jay"]

- Make default cache be put in domain specific directory
["Dylan Jay"]

- Put conditions on site analyser and turn off by default



- Initial release tying togeather new and original funnelweb recipes into
documented commandline/buildout interface
["Dylan Jay"]

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