What's Changed
* added remove_extension, changed default deepdiff to ignore nans, added proper implementation of keys() values() and items() to NDict, tried to also highlight more the faulting op in pipeline ops error by YoelShoshan in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/152
* Knight test by liamhazan in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/149
* override first backbone layers only when necessary by mosheraboh in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/156
* 🌐 Some small general (handle URLError, Ops Debugs, etc) by SagiPolaczek in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/157
* new wrapper by itaijj in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/160
* Improve knight by liamhazan in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/158
* move to BiomedSciAI org by mosheraboh in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/166
* remove opencv version limitation by mosheraboh in https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/pull/169
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml/compare/0.2.1...0.2.2