* add anti-captcha.com support (all credits go to kirov 353) * add futbinPrice, futheadPrice * add missing params to club method (351) * tidt & taxv moved to compiled_2.js
* allow init with None cookies (fix 345 by kirov) * fix clubConsumables (347, 348) * remove path value check in remoteConfig
* add sbsSetChallenges (thanks to dan-gamble 330) * readme polish (thanks to syndac) * add tradepileClear * add sbsSquad * add sendToSbs * add clubConsumables * correct version param in pinevents * save token between logins (maybe cookies are not needed?)
* various pinEvents improvements * remove default buy now price for sell method to avoid mistakes * add buyPack * add objectives * add duplicates list * add level param to club method * correct tradeStatus params * check tradeStatus after selling item like webapp do * add marketDataMaxPrice & marketDataMinPrice to item data parser