
Latest version: v2.3.1

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+ [Feature] Refactor the code of layers.EmbeddingLayer
+ [Feature] Add new feature for loading blocks of h5 data
+ [Feature] Add tests for DIN, FmFM
+ [Feature] Add support for multiple fields concat for DIN
+ [Refactor] Remove the unnecessary config of embedding_dropout because it does not help after some attempts
+ [Feature] Add embedding_hooks of dense layers on pretrained embeddings
+ [Fix] Fix the bug in padding_idx (have no effect on Criteo/Avazu results)
+ [Fix] Fix the bug in loading pretrained embeddings (have no effect on Criteo/Avazu results)
+ [Doc] Add tutorials on how to use sequence features and pretrained embeddings



+ [Refactor] Refactor the code and documentation to support reproducing the BARS-CTR benchmark.


+ [Feature] The first release of FuxiCTR, including 28 models. This version was used for the CIKM'21 paper.


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