
Latest version: v0.0.11

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:tada: New Features

- Add a setup fixture decorator `fuzz_lightyear.setup` which is run before fuzzing ([32])
- Add a `--disable-unicode` flag to only fuzz ASCII strings for Swagger strings ([34])
- Support post-fuzz hooks, decorated by `fuzz_lightyear.hooks.post_fuzz(**args)`,
which transform fuzzed input ([36])

:sparkles: Usability

- Fuzzer now respects min and max constraints on Swagger numerics ([31])

:bug: Bug Fixes

- Fix dynamic fixture imports for modules which end in `(\.py)+` ([33])

[31]: https://github.com/Yelp/fuzz-lightyear/pull/31
[32]: https://github.com/Yelp/fuzz-lightyear/pull/32
[33]: https://github.com/Yelp/fuzz-lightyear/pull/33
[34]: https://github.com/Yelp/fuzz-lightyear/pull/34


October 18, 2019

:mega: Release Highlights

- You can now specify Swagger tags to include in the fuzzing process, to allow developers
to enable this tool for a subset of endpoints ([28])

:bug: Bug Fixes

- Path array variables print properly ([27])
- Fuzzed headers no longer try to include non-ascii characters ([24])
- Fuzzed headers no longer override user-specified headers ([24])
- Null data is no longer saved in the request's state ([24])

[24]: https://github.com/Yelp/fuzz-lightyear/pull/24
[27]: https://github.com/Yelp/fuzz-lightyear/pull/27
[28]: https://github.com/Yelp/fuzz-lightyear/pull/28

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