
Latest version: v0.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Last release supporting Python 3.6!
* [crashmanager] Fix view signature error handling
* [crashmanager] Remove pagination from the Bucket list API entirely
* [crashmanager] Optimize bucket tool filter
* [crashmanager] Use local sort for signatures list.
* [crashmanager] Remove management command lock and speed up triage.
* [crashmanager] Optimize bucket list query.
* [covmanager] Fix empty prefix display.
* [server] Update base template.
* [taskmanager] Fix creation of non-Linux "extra" pools.
* [crashmanager] Fix quality and optimization sorting in signatures list
* [crashmanager] Handle the case where testcase_ext is given with no testcase.


* [covmanager] Allow submitting coverage reports in FM format
* [covmanager] Allow processed reports when submitting combined coverage reports
* [covmanager] Remove redundant version check
* [reporter] Add retry in the case of connection error.
* [reporter] Add support for overriding `.fuzzmanagerconf`. Use environment variable `FM_CONFIG_PATH`
* [FTB] Support UBSan messages in AutoRunner
* [FTB] Add support for "allocator is out of memory" reports
* [FTB] Treat access-violation on Windows the same as SEGV on unix platforms.
* [FTB] Add support for TSan SEGV reports
* [FTB] Keep looking for a crashaddress if the first ASan message doesn't include one.
* [libfuzzer] Add argument for performing post crash transformations
* [libfuzzer] Combine original and transformed testcase into a zipfile
* [libfuzzer] Provide output directory to transformation script
* [libfuzzer] Use paths relative to transform output in archive
* [libfuzzer] Only warn when transformation fails
* [libfuzzer] Optimize imports


- Standardize how signatures are displayed
- Parse generic crashes found on UBSan builds
- Change shebang lines to python3 for standalone tools, remove it from others
- Make AutoRunner py3-compatible
- Add support for multi-line MOZ_CRASH messages



Upgrade some of our dependencies and broaden the accepted version ranges to avoid conflicts with other software.

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