
Latest version: v0.7.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fixed ``search_exact_byteslike()`` to support supplying start and end indexes
* Added support for lists, tuples and other Sequence types to ``search_exact()``
* Fixed a bug where ``find_near_matches()`` could return a wrong ``Match.end``
with ``max_l_dist=0``
* Added more tests and improved some existing ones.



* Added support and testing for Python 3.5 and 3.6
* Many small improvements to README, setup.py and CI testing



* Added C extensions for several search functions as well as internal functions
* Use C extensions if available, or pure-Python implementations otherwise
* setup.py attempts to build C extensions, but installs without if build fails
* Added ``--noexts`` setup.py option to avoid trying to build the C extensions
* Greatly improved testing and coverage



* Added support for searching through BioPython Seq objects
* Added specialized search function allowing only subsitutions and insertions
* Fixed several bugs



* Fixed major match grouping bug



* New utility function ``find_near_matches()`` for easier use
* Additional documentation

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