
Latest version: v1.4.2

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- Bug fix for unusual crashes of pade_svd.

- New option qth for vacpol.

- More tests.

- Default rtol for pade_gvar is now set equal to the geometric
mean of the ratios f[i].sdev/abs(f[i].mean) for each of the
Taylor coefficients f[i].



- Bug fix so vacpol.taylor() works.

- New option warn in vacpol. Setting warn=True causes a warning to be
issued if either badpoles() is True or if the order of the Pade is



- New class fourier_vacpol that creates a subtracted vacuum polarization
function from the Fourier transform of G(t). This provides an alternative
to using moments of G(t).

- New argument qmin for a_mu.

- New method vacpol.taylor which returns Taylor coefficients
(shorthand for vpol.pseries['taylor'].c).

- Small bug in vacpol.vector --- set n=20 no matter what n set to.


Tiny change to make g2tools compatible with the latest lsqfit (v9).

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