
Latest version: v0.5.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- add the :doc:`gaffer` command line tool: load, unload your procfile
applications to gaffer, scale them up and down. Or just use it as a
procfile manager just like `foreman <>`_ .
- add gafferctl :doc:`commands/watch` command to watch a node activity
- add priority feature: now processes can be launch in order
- add the possibility to manipulate `groups of processes <>`_
- add the possibility to set the default endpoint in gafferd from the
command line
- add ``-v`` and ``--vv`` options to gafferd to have a verbose output.
- add an eventsource client in the framework to manipulate gaffer
- add ``Manager.start_processes`` method. Start all processes.
- add console_output application to the framework
- add new global :doc:`events` to the manager: spawn, reap, stop_pid,
- fix shutdown
- fix heartbeat



- add :doc:`webhooks`: post to an url when a gaffer event is triggered
- add graceful shutdown. kill processes after a graceful time
- add :doc:`commands/load_process` command
- code refactoring: make the code simpler



Initial release

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