
Latest version: v4.9.2

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Not secure


- Enable OpenAPI spec at

Update docs and decorators on viewsets and serializers to generate correct

Modify pulpcore openapigenerator to include concrete hrefs in addition
to {ansible_collection_href}/ style endpoints.

Need to provide the existing pulp /pulp/api/v3/docs/ view and
a new view at /api/automation-hub/v3/openapi.json
- new viewset may need drf-spectacular tweaks

Sub tasks:
- Create a snapshot of the OpenAPI spec in CI.
- setup any useful tooling for validating/verifying the spec
- openapidiff ?
- Enable swaggerui view (/v3/swagger/ ?)

Potential problems:

- May want/need to import pulpcore openapi generator utils, which may not be in plugin


Pulp uses drf-spectacular

A "live" generated version of the API is available at


And a "redoc" view at:

Note some issues:

- Lots of endpoints are in the form "{ansible_collection_import_href}"
- in theory, all endpoints should start with a "/" but even
when evaluated, the above is "ansible/ansible/v3/collections/artifacts"

- schema objects are inconsistent named
- pulpcore has no prefix
- pulp_ansible has ansible. prefix
- galaxy_ng sometimes? has galaxy. prefix and sometimes Galaxy
`AAH-57 <>`_
- Add OpenShift job template to run database migrations
`AAH-145 <>`_
- Allow on to customize version for sdist building
`AAH-185 <>`_
- Add debug level logging about access_policy permission evaluation.
`AAH-205 <>`_
- Add unpaginated collections, collectionversions and metadata endopints for better sync performance.
`AAH-224 <>`_
- Add rate_limit to remotes api.
`AAH-272 <>`_
- Add container list and detail endpoints for execution environments.
`AAH-274 <>`_
- Add the ability to view the changes that have been made to a container repo.
`AAH-276 <>`_
- Add api to return images in a container repo.
`AAH-277 <>`_
- Set pulp container access policies.
`AAH-278 <>`_
- Load initial data for repo, remote and distribution using data migrations
`AAH-281 <>`_
- Add GALAXY_FEATURE_FLAGS to enable/disable execution environments
`AAH-298 <>`_
- Add the ability to create readmes for container distributions.
`AAH-317 <>`_
- Add api for loading a container manifest configuration blob.
`AAH-338 <>`_
- Add requires_ansible to the collection api endpoints
`AAH-409 <>`_
- Add models for container registry sync config
`AAH-432 <>`_
- Allow creating super users.
`AAH-500 <>`_


- Fix how travis checks for existence of Jira issues
`AAH-44 <>`_
- Fixed synclist curation creating 2 * N tasks, where N is number of synclists.
Now synclist curation is executed in batches. Number of batches is configured in project settings.
By default it is set to 200 synclists per task.
`AAH-50 <>`_
- Fix NamespaceLink creation and Validation on duplicated name.
`AAH-132 <>`_
- API returns 409 in case of existing group with same name.
`AAH-152 <>`_
- The namespaces api now performs a partial match on namespace name and namespace company name when using the 'keywords' query parameter.
`AAH-166 <>`_
- Fix KeyError lookup in namespace and collection viewset
`AAH-195 <>`_
- Fix error in error msg when importing invalid filenames
`AAH-203 <>`_
- Fix the galaxy-importer check for max size of docs files
`AAH-220 <>`_
- Only show synclist toggles to org admin.

ie, non org admin's should get 403 response
when viewing synclist endpoints.
`AAH-222 <>`_
- Users should not be able to delete themselves.

Even if they have 'delete-user' perms.
`AAH-265 <>`_
- Prevent users with delete-user perms from deleting admin users
`AAH-266 <>`_
- Make token and password obfuscated on the API docs for /sync/config
`AAH-282 <>`_
- split proxy_url in 3 fields: username, password, address
`AAH-291 <>`_
- Fix groups endpoint viewable only by admin
`AAH-453 <>`_
- Expose pulp API in generated openapi spec.
`AAH-482 <>`_
- Replace current PULP_REDIS* env variables with PULP_REDIS_URL env variable to accommodate PULP_REDIS_SSL.
`AAH-486 <>`_


- `AAH-16 <>`_, `AAH-31 <>`_, `AAH-120 <>`_, `AAH-139 <>`_, `AAH-176 <>`_, `AAH-177 <>`_, `AAH-257 <>`_, `AAH-295 <>`_, `AAH-299 <>`_, `AAH-344 <>`_, `AAH-387 <>`_, `AAH-393 <>`_, `AAH-425 <>`_, `AAH-433 <>`_, `AAH-478 <>`_, `AAH-483 <>`_



Not secure


- Fix URLs in remote fixtures for correct validation.
`AAH-12 <>`_
- Fix importer running ansible-test in local image build
`AAH-89 <>`_
- Fix my-synclist to show only synclists with obj permissions
`AAH-97 <>`_


- `AAH-131 <>`_



Not secure


- Add deprecated annotated field to empty queryset
`AAH-122 <>`_



Not secure


- Support pulp_ansible collection deprecation edits
`AAH-76 <>`_
- Add staging and rejected repos via migration and remove from dev fixture
`485 <>`_


- Update error messages on namespace links so that they can be differentiated from error messages on namespaces.
`AAH-18 <>`_
- Fix my-distributions show only sycnlist distros with obj perms
`AAH-27 <>`_
- Fix sort=created on ui /imports/collections/
`AAH-98 <>`_
- Fix `"CollectionImport.task_id" must be a "CollectionImport" instance.` errors on import task.
`AAH-99 <>`_


- `AAH-17 <>`_, `AAH-21 <>`_, `AAH-26 <>`_, `AAH-34 <>`_, `AAH-44 <>`_, `AAH-47 <>`_, `AAH-81 <>`_, `AAH-82 <>`_, `AAH-90 <>`_, `AAH-94 <>`_, `AAH-105 <>`_, `468 <>`_



Not secure


- Make error return for upload filename parsing errors provides an error code 'invalid'
`31 <>`_
- Fixes missing collection documentation after syncing from
`441 <>`_
- Add missing RepositoryVersion to inbound repos created via migration
`493 <>`_
- On upload use filename namespace as distro when no distro specified
`496 <>`_


- `390 <>`_, `#473 <>`_



Not secure


- Allow a user to specify the protocol she wants to use to talk to the pulp backend. (ie. http vs. https)
`464 <>`_
- Upgrade to pulpcore 3.7.0 and allow for 3.8.0

Based on the API stability guidance at
`476 <>`_


- `474 <>`_


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