* Add PSF stacking function using photutils.EPSFBuilder * Improve the CAS measurement
* Improve reduced chisq calculations. * Improve stretch of showing image and use bbox_inches='tight'. * Debug for functions including cal_statmorph() and targets_subtraction(). * Improve PSF selection function. * Update for lenstronomy > 1.10.3 and new photutils version 1.5.0
* Update initial Reff value based on Moments measure. * Improve the plot to highlight masks. * Separate a plot_materials function in data_process.
* Debug for 'sersic_model_flux' calculation caused by "sersic_major_axis" setting * Upgrade with more CAS calculation. * Improve the MCMC output using 'mcmc_source_result' dict to save all samplers with amp values.
* Debug for no error report in detect_obj function * A preliminary version for non-parametric CAS calculation * More functionality with plot tools
* Debug and update the setting for sersic_major_axis following lenstronomy.Conf