
Latest version: v0.5.5

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- Missing changes in others galpynostatic modules due to the previous versions changes in the geometry factor in the Xi equation.


- Changes in the geometry factor in the Xi equation.


- Changes in the geometry factor in the Xi equation.


- New Python version specification required to use galpynostatic.


- Fix the compilation of the OpenMP functions in `lib/map.cpp` by adding the `-lgomp` flag in the ``.


- Add new module `galpynostatic.simulation` that calulates galvanostatic maps from Frumkin or experimental isotherms, simulates isotherms at different Crates and fits equilibrium and non-equilibrium isotherms to obtain the diffusion coefficients and the kinetic rate constant.
- Add the `datasets.params` submodule with typical densities and specific capacities of lithium-ion battery electrode materials required for simulations.

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