
Latest version: v0.4.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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*Note that there was no 0.4.0 release because I forgot to update the version in `` before tagging 0.4.0, and it would be bad practice to delete and recreate a tag with the same name.*

Improvements for Bio-Logic data files:
* 97 Add support for EC-Lab v11.50
* 107 Add `Analog IN <n>/V` columns

Improvements for Arbin data files:
* 99 Support mdbtools v1.0

General improvements:
* 103 Update README

**Full Changelog**:


Improvements for Bio-Logic data files:

* 68 Add column 174 'Ewe/V'
* 71 Add more column types
* 75 Add "step time/s" column
* 86 Fixed syntax error typo
* 88 Add ID 505 and 509 from EC-Lab
* 98 add support for column 27: E_we-E_ce/V

General improvements:

* 58 Store all the test data in the git repo using git-lfs
* 90 Add tox-gh based CI workflow
* 96 Format with black


No breaking changes

Improvements for Bio-Logic data files:
- 63 Accept date strings in the format 'mm.dd.yy'
- 66 Add more column type IDs

General improvements:
- 61 Add SPDX metadata for FSFE REUSE compliance


Breaking changes:
- 40 Removed support for Python 2
- 55 Removed support for Python 3.5

Improvements for Bio-Logic data files:
- 36 Added initial support for VMP data module version 3
- 38, 43, 50, 54 Added more column type IDs

Improvements for Arbin .res data files:
- 53 Added support for Arbin .res file versions up to 5.26

Other improvements:
- 52 Add usage example to README



Has known vulnerabilities

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