
Latest version: v0.1.7

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- Added Games/Collections:
- Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap
- Updated Collections:
- Arcade Collection Anniversary Classics
- ajaxj/typhoon: No-ROM -> Good
- hcastle/hcastlee/hcastlek/akumajoun: No-ROM -> Good
- PAC MAN Museum Plus
- pacland: Partial -> Good: properly ID'd as modified paclandj and found missing ROM
- puckman: Partial -> Playable: Added placeholder for missing PROM
- Fix entry in README
- SNK 40th Anniversary Collection
- bbusters/bbustersj/bbustersu: Playable -> Good: Added missing EEPROM
- bermudata: Playable -> Playable: Removed unnecessary placeholders
- legofair: Playable -> Playable: Added missing placeholders
- psychosj: Broken -> Playable: Added missing Sound ROM
- worldwar: Partial -> Playable: Added missing ADPCM ROM, removed unnecessary placeholders
- Improvements:
- More consistent 'ROM Status' field (29)
- Internal:
- Started adding typing hints to util classes


- Added Games/Collections:
- Atari Vault
- Mortal Kombat Arcade Collection (No playable ROMs at this time)
- Namco Arcade Game Series
- Pac Man Museum Plus
- Zombies Ate My Neighbor & Ghoul Patrol
- Updated Collections:
- SNK 40th Anniversary Collection
- Added partial (broken) ROM extraction support
- Fixed most ROMs, including changes from lionel/BuildROM and some further decoding research
- Improvements:
- Some tasks now support config flags via '--prop'; see task details for supported flags
- Reworked tables using TextTable to make code cleaner and tables more reliable
- Added placeholder partials for CAS1 and CAS2
- Performance improvements, including major gains for deinterleave and bit shuffle operations
- Fix a bug where some tasks aren't listed
- Internal:
- Restructured some tasks to allow splitting/props
- Added some support tool for Steam folders (eventually may add detection?)


- Added Games/Collections:
- Disney Classics Collection: Aladdin and Lion King (w/ Jungle Book DLC)
- SNK 40th Anniversary Collection
- Updated Collections:
- Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
- Added International Release Support


- Added Games/Collections:
- Blizzard Arcade Collection
- Bubsy Two-Fur
- Collection of SaGa/Final Fantasy Legend
- Disney Afternoon Collection
- Double Dragon Trilogy
- Mega Man Legacy Collection 1
- Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1
- Sonic Adventure DX (Hidden Game Gear games)
- Improvements:
- Moved 'postprocess steam' commands to more generic 'tasks' command
This is one of the main purposes of this program, and not Steam specific - GOG, etc. should also be considered
- Added default input folders for Tasks
- Fixing tables in task details
- Internal:
- Test configs for development should now work on any machine
- Tasks are now slightly more defined using a class
- First major lint/code style effort; nowhere near done, but much more idiomatic


- Added Games/Collections:
- Sega Genesis and Mega Drive Collection
- Functional Improvements
- ZIP files now actually compressed
- More code reuse
- Standardized logging config on all CLI commands (not all USE the logger yet)
- Makes output folder if it doesn't exist


- Added Games/Collections:
- Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
- README improvements

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