New in garak!
* **integrated vulnerability reporting:** vulnerabilities found with garak can now be directly reported to [AVID]( shubhobm
* **package hallucination:** added a probe for detecting [package hallucination](
* **docs are up:** reference guide is here,
* **primary/extended detectors:** it's now possible to designate a primary detector for a probe (when using the default probewise harness)
* **multiple payloads for encoding module:** as well as the default option, there's slurs and xss injection attempts; access them with `--probe_options '{"encoding.options": ["default", "slurs", "xss"]}'` (adjust to taste)
* **fine-tune perspective api backoff for bandwidth:** never wait sixty seconds, the window use to determine rate limit
* **doc fixes:** mkonxd
* **hitlog entries now more self-contained:** store how many generations were targeted with that prompt
* **remove shortnames:** from probes and detectors
* **move encoding injection module to use triggers:** finer-grained detection, means fewer false positives