
Latest version: v0.11.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Updated autodiscovery code to resemble Django's newer example
- Updated django-modeldict to 1.1.6 to solve a threading issue with registration
- Added GARGOYLE_AUTO_CREATE setting to disable auto creation of new switches
- Added the ability to pass arbitrary objects to the ifswitch template tag.


- Ensure HostConditionSet is registered


- Moved tests outside of gargoyle namespace


- UI tweaks


- [Backwards Incompatible] SELECTIVE switches without conditions are now inactive
- Added ConditionSet.has_active_condition, and support for default NoneType instances
for global / environment checks.
- Added HostConditionSet which allows you to specify a switch for a single
server hostname

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