
Latest version: v0.3.1

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- add `WsService` method `GetConnection()` to get the connection
- fix `changelog` date error


- fix reconnect problem, add unexpected EOF capture


- add `io.ErrUnexpectedEOF` error capture, it caused v0.1.5 can't reconnect
- fix reconnect msg repeat add


- add `SpotUpdateAllDepthMsg` struct for parse all order book msg


- fix overlapping price for local order book example
- update README


- Support futures websocket.
- Modify channels name to with flag `Spot` or `Future`.
- Add field `TimestampInMilli` in models `SpotBalancesMsg`, `SpotFundingBalancesMsg`, `SpotMarginBalancesMsg`. Add
field `TimeInMilli` in model `SpotBookTickerMsg`
- Add new method `NewConnConfFromOption` to get a ConnConf flexible.
- Add new method `SubscribeWithOption` to support futures subscribe with id.
- Add example for both spot and futures connection use.
- Fix reconnect websocket failed bug.
- Optimizing code structure.

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