
Latest version: v0.9.35

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Add RuboCop style and lint checks.



* Use Test Kitchen for integration testing.
* Update to ChefSpec v3.
* Update README.



* Use [chef-bones]( gem for testing.
* Add serverspec integration test.
* No longer downgrade RubyGems on Travis.



Take over changes from [skeleton cookbook](

* Update gem dependencies (berkshelf 1.4, foodcritic 2.0, chef 10.24).
* Remove Vagrant from gems; get it from
* Update Vagrantfile to v2 syntax and enable the _vagrant-berkshelf_ plugin.
* Add new tasks to Rakefile, e.g. `clobber` and `test:integration`. Replace
`COOKBOOKS_PATH` with `FIXTURES_PATH` which defaults to _fixtures_.
* Let Travis run tests against Ruby 2.0.0.



* Install pre-build, post-build, and post-tag build hooks. New attributes are
`node['git-buildpackage']['install_hooks']` and



* Define config hash as JSON data in Vagrantfile. No longer define default config
attributes in cookbook (`node['git-buildpackage']['config']`).
* Update gems.
* Update copyright year.
* Add this CHANGELOG file.

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