
Latest version: v2.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Minor fixes & tweaks including:

- packages: fix case when build doesn't exist
- queries: combine builds & builds_with_packages
- completion: make default completer SuppresionCompleter
- build: check that -p arguments are the correct format


This release adds the ability to choose a custom config file location via a `GBPCLI_CONFIG` environment variable.


This release addresses issues encountered while going through the [Install Guide](


Notable changes:

- Add support for config files
- Send API key in GraphQL queries if configured


Notable changes:

- The build subcommand can now pass build parameters to Jenkins
- Command-line (tab) completion support
- The queries interface is now namespaced. This helps developing gbpcli plugins


This release is mostly internal improvements/fixes.

Notable user-facing changes are:

- The pull subcommand learned the ability to pull with a note, for
example `gbp pull --note "Built with --emptytree" babette 999`
- Unknown theme names are no longer disregarded. This is to allow for
third-party subcommands, (e.g. `gbp-ps`) to have their own theme

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