
Latest version: v4.5.0

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* Move from gflags to argparse
This is a major, non-backwards compatible change (hence the roll up to v4)


* Support for adding attendees (jcmuller)
* Fix crash when organizer/attendee don't have emails (tschwinge)
* TSV export support `--no-started` (matthewdavis)
* Support for displaying attachment links (shi2wei3)
* Allow ignoring declined events (dmathieu)
* Warning if cache appears to be stale (nealmcb)
* search now supports start and end times like agenda (watersm)
* current event is proper colored in agenda (karlicoss)


* More ascii vs. unicode issues (*le sigh*)
* Use correct dateutil package (python-dateutil)


* TSV support for search
* `--detail email` to display event creator's address
* Pin oauth2client version to prevent issues with gflags
* Updated README with options to use custom client_id/client_secret


* Support for adding All Day events (238d527 / SBECK-github)
* Fix date display issues (e9a4a24 / njoyard)
* Attempt fix for per-account quota errors (6416c7d)


* Add enhanced reminder functionality (393993b / cc2c4cc)
* Unicode cleanup (debe5bf)
* Add --defaultCalendar option (cf9cdf5)
* Respect --detail options for TSV output (013d5dc)
* Speed up tsv output by only shortening links on demand (--detail_url short)
* PEP8 cleanup FTW! (adea810)
* Fix validator for --details not liking 'description' (a4ad28c)
* Fix "now marker" showing on wrong days at times (7479e21)
* Added support for displaying attendees (56ade18 / metcalfc)

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