
Latest version: v7.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Fix tagging issue of 7.1, no functional change.



Known bugs:

Breaking changes:

New features and notable changes:

- Add support for colored logging. (:issue:`887`)
- Add support for TOML configuration format. (:issue:`881`)
- Add support for Clover XML output format. (:issue:`888`)
- Add decision to JSON summary report if :option:`--decisions` is used. (:issue:`892`)

Bug fixes and small improvements:

- Add support for files with more than 9999 lines. (:issue:`883`, fixes :issue:`882`)
- Do not suppress gcov errors if exception occur. (:issue:`889`)


- Add nox session to generate the screenshots from the HTML files. (:issue:`877`)

Internal changes:

- Improve Dockerfile for faster rebuilds by using cache. (:issue:`878`)
- Fix deprecation warnings from GitHub actions. (:issue:`880`)
- Add pipeline job to apply tag if new version is bumped. (:issue:`879`)
- Improve test coverage and generate coverage report if executed in local environment. (:issue:`891`)



Known bugs:

Breaking changes:

- Dropped support for Python 3.7 (:issue:`869`)
- The exit code for an error of the reader module is changed from 8 to 64 and for a writer from 7 to 128. (:issue:`773`)

New features and notable changes:

- Add `--html-template-dir` option to use custom Jinja2 templates. (:issue:`758`)
- Add block numbers and md5 sums of code lines to data model. (:issue:`764`)
- If the CSS given with :option:`--html-css` contains the string ``/* Comment.Preproc */`` no ``pygments`` CSS is added anymore. (:issue:`786`)
- Add support for ``Devcontainer`` and ``GitHub Codespaces``. (:issue:`771`)
- Fix Dockerfile.qa to avoid uid conflicts. (:issue:`801`)
- Pygments required ≥ 2.13.0. (:issue:`799`)
- Add a second theme for HTML report inspired by GitHub. (:issue:`793`)
- Add :option:`--fail-under-decision` and :option:`--fail-under-function` which will error under a given minimum coverage. (:issue:`773`)
- Add function coverage to data model. (:issue:`822`)
- Add support for importing Cobertura XML files with ``--cobertura-add-tracefile`` option. (:issue:`805`)
- Add :option:`--jacoco` to generate JaCoCo XML format. (:issue:`823`))
- Add function coverage to HTML report. (:issue:`828`)
- Improve sorting of data in reports. (:issue:`817`):

- Sort file names alpha numerical and with casefold
(see `str.casefold <https://docs.python.org/3.11/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=str%20casefold#str.casefold>`_)
(``file_10.c`` comes after ``file_0.c``).
- Always sort at the end by filename if line or branch coverage is identical for a file.
- Add :option:`--sort-branches` to sort by branches instead of lines, this is the default if :option:`--txt-branches` is used.
- Add :option:`--sort-reverse` to reverse the sort order.

- Add option to report covered lines in txt report. (:issue:`836`)
- Add support for specifying files for :option:`search_paths`. (:issue:`834`)
- Use different color for partial covered lines in HTML report. (:issue:`839`)
- Add support to generate LCOV info files. (:issue:`830`)
- Add support for FIPS enabled OS when used with Python 3.9. (:issue:`850`)
- Reduce file size for detailed HTML reports by merging columns the function lists. (:issue:`840`)
- Ignore all negative hits if :option:`--gcov-ignore-parse-errors` is used. (:issue:`852`)
- Use literal options for sorting and TXT metric. (:issue:`867`)

- The :option:`-b`, :option:`--txt-branches` and :option:`--branches` are deprecated, use :option:`--txt-metric` instead.
The reason for this is that we have line, branch and decision coverage and handle this with flags is more complex than
using an enumeration.
- The :option:`--sort-uncovered` and :option:`--sort-percentage` are deprecated, use :option:`--sort` instead.
The reason for this is that only one sorting order shall be selectable and and an enumeration is easier to handle
than several flags.

- The development branch is renamed from ``master`` to ``main``. (:issue:`829`, :issue:`873`)
- Add support for decision coverage metric in text report. (:issue:`864`)
- Split list of functions into tables with maximum 10000 rows to fix rendering issues. (:issue:`858`)

Bug fixes and small improvements:

- Print calls and decision statistics in summary only if values are gathered. (:issue:`749`)
- Log the thread name if :option:`-j` is used. (:issue:`752`)
- Collapse also root directory if needed in nested HTML report. (:issue:`750`)
- Handle special case of absolute source file paths in ``gcov`` output. (:issue:`776`)
- Ignore exit code 6 when running ``gcov`` (output write error introduced gcc-12). (:issue:`781`)
- Change coveralls value from 0.0 to 1.0 if no code lines or branches are present. (:issue:`796`)
- Fix symlinked root directories on Windows. (:issue:`814`)
- Extend :option:`--gcov-ignore-errors` to be able to ignore specific gcov errors. (:issue:`787`)
- Fix reading of choices options from configuration files (e.g. ``gcov-ignore-parse-errors``). (:issue:`816`)
- Fix ``TypeError`` during decision analysis. (:issue:`784`)
- Use relative paths if possible when running ``gcov``. (:issue:`820`)
- Respect :option`--merge-mode-functions`when merging coverage data. (:issue:`844`)


- Fix wrong command in ``How to create a standalone application`` docs. (:issue:`792`)
- Update output html to add github style themes. (:issue:`818`)

Internal changes:

- Do not scrub versions in reference data. (:issue:`747`)
- Add interface for the different formats to easily add new formats. (:issue:`755`)
- All options have now a prefix of the format and all long option names can be used in a configuration file. (:issue:`755`)

- :option:`--txt-summary` in addition to :option:`--print-summary`.
- :option:`--json-add-tracefile` in addition to :option:`--add-tracefile`.
- :option:`--gcov-delete` in addition to :option:`--delete`.
- :option:`--gcov-keep` in addition to :option:`--keep`.
- :option:`--gcov-object-directory` in addition to :option:`--object-directory`.
- :option:`--gcov-exclude-directories` in addition to :option:`--exclude-directories`.
- :option:`--gcov-use-existing-files` in addition to :option:`--use-gcov-files`.

- Use interactive terminal for docker (support of Ctrl-C to interrupt). (:issue:`767`)
- Use separate session for flake8 and us this session in lint. (:issue:`768`)
- Replace the deprecated codecov python uploader with the binary uploader. (:issue:`770`)
- Add gcc-12 and gcc-13 to the test suite. (:issue:`780`)
- Add sessions to run the targets for all versions of ``gcc`` or ``clang``. (:issue:`782`)
- Use ``build`` instead of calling ``setup.py`` directly. (:issue:`819`)
- Add nox session to import reference file from pipeline. (:issue:`831`)
- Add support for ``clang-15`` in our test suite and fix test with write protection under Mac OS. (:issue:`853`)
- Add test for parallel execution of multiple gcovr instances. (:issue:`832`)



Known bugs:

Breaking changes:

- Remove not allowed attributes ``function-rate``, ``functions-covered`` and ``functions-valid``
from cobertura report. (:issue:`671`)
- Remove "noncode" entries in JSON reports. (:issue:`663`)
- New :option:`--exclude-noncode-lines` to exclude noncode lines. Noncode lines are not excluded by default anymore. (:issue:`704`, :issue:`705`)
- Changed :option:`--gcov-ignore-parse-errors` to accept list of errors to ignore. (:issue:`701`)
- The default filename for :option:`--cobertura` is changed from coverage.xml to cobertura.xml. (:issue:`721`)
- Handling of ``gcov`` errors:

- Do not ignore return code of ``gcov``. (:issue:`653`)
- New :option:`--gcov-ignore-errors` to ignore ``gcov`` errors. Old behavior was to print a warning and continue. (:issue:`718`)

- Revert changes from :issue:`623` and add documentation entry :ref:`support keil uvision format`. (:issue:`727`)

New features and notable changes:

- New :option:`--html-nested` for reports that summarize subdirectories with aggregated statistics per directory. (:issue:`687`)
- Accept `NAN %` which is used in GCOV 7.5.0 instead of an invalid value. (:issue:`651`)
- New :option:`--json-base` to define a base bath used in JSON reports. (:issue:`656`)
- New :option:`--calls` to report call coverage: function calls invoked/total. (:issue:`666`)
- New nox session to generate a portable application with pyinstaller, see :ref:`standalone application`. (:issue:`661`)
- Print a warning if root directory contains symlinks. (:issue:`652`)
- Change :option:`--keep` when calling gcov internaly. (:issue:`703`)
- Allow annotations for never executed branches. (:issue:`711`)
- Add function merge mode for same function defined in different lines. (:issue:`700`)
- Update link to gcovr documentation in HTML report to point to the documentation of the used version. (:issue:`723`)
- Add environment `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH <https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch>`_ to set default for :option:`--timestamp`. (:issue:`729`)

Bug fixes and small improvements:

- Fix :option:`--html-tab-size` feature. (:issue:`650`)
- Fix alphabetical sort of html report, for when there are symlinks. (:issue:`685`)
- Handle :option:`--version` before parsing the configuration file. (:issue:`696`)
- Fix reports of excluded coverage. (:issue:`409`, :issue:`503`, :issue:`663`)
- Fix handling for nonexistent source code for HTML-details and Coveralls reports. (:issue:`663`)
- Exclude functions with :ref:`Exclusion markers`. (:issue:`713`)
- Fix problem in decision parser if open block brace is on same line. (:issue:`681`)
- Add Python 3.11 to test matrix. (:issue:`717`)
- Fix casing of files if filesystem is case insensitive. (:issue:`694`)
- Fix deadlock if :option:`-j` is used and there are errors from ``gcov`` execution. (:issue:`719`)
- Fix problem in decision parser if case is not on a single line with the break statement. (:issue:`738`)
- Do not use ``realpath`` for ``DirectoryPrefixFilter`` to support symlinks in root directory. (:issue:`712`)


- Add detailed reference for the JSON output format. (:issue:`663`)

Internal changes:

- Select the :option:`--html-theme` using CSS classes. (:issue:`650`)
- Change and extend ``cmake`` tests. (:issue:`676`)
- Detect ``gcc`` version for running tests. (:issue:`686`)
- Use scrubbed data for ``--update_reference`` option. (:issue:`698`)
- Install ninja with package manager instead of GitHub action. (:issue:`699`)
- Rename the reference files coverage.xml to cobertura.xml and the test from xml to cobertura. (:issue:`721`)
- Add support for ``clang-14`` in our test suite and improve startup performance of docker image. (:issue:`731`)
- Compare files by extension in test suite. (:issue:`733`)
- Split HTML templates into one file for each part of the page. (:issue:`735`)
- Change docker image to be able to use it like the ``nox`` command itself. (:issue:`734`)



New features and notable changes:

- Log additional info on gcov parsing errors. (:issue:`589`)
- Add support for branch exclude markers. (:issue:`644`)
- Additional options to configure the thresholds for lines and branches in HTML separate. (:issue:`645`)

Bug fixes and small improvements:

- Remove function coverage from sonarcube report. (:issue:`591`)
- Fix parallel processing of gcov data. (:issue:`592`)
- Better diagnostics when dealing with corrupted input files. (:issue:`593`)
- Accept metadata lines without values (introduced in gcc-11). (:issue:`601`)
- Properly close <a> element in detailed HTML report. (:issue:`602`)
- Use `≥` sign instead of `>=` in HTML legend. (:issue:`603`)
- Using :option:`--add-tracefile` will now correctly merge branch coverage. (:issue:`600`)
- Fix package-level function coverage statistics in Cobertura XML reports. (:issue:`605`)
- Respect excluded/noncode lines for aggregated branchcoverage. (:issue:`611`)
- Fix list options in configuration file (search-path). (:issue:`612`)
- Fix assert and key error in --decisions flag. (:issue:`642`)
- Fix adding none existing lines by decision analysis to data model. (:issue:`617`)
- Always treat relative paths in config files as relative to the directory of the file. (:issue:`615`)
- More flexible ``.gcov`` parsing to support files generated by third party tools.
(:issue:`621`, :issue:`623`)

Internal changes:

- Fix black check to fail on format errors. (:issue:`594`)
- Change session black with no arguments to format all files. (:issue:`595`)
- Add gcc-10 and gcc-11 to the test suite. (:issue:`597`)
- Improved internal coverage data model to simplify processing. (:issue:`600`)
- Use pretty print for cobertura and coveralls in test suite. (:issue:`606`)
- Forward nox options `--reuse-existing-virtualenvs` and `--no-install` to call inside docker. (:issue:`616`)



Breaking changes:

- Dropped support for Python 3.6 (:issue:`550`)
- Changed ``xml`` configuration key to ``cobertura`` (:issue:`552`)
- JSON summary output: all percentages are now reported from 0 to 100

New features and notable changes:

- Report function coverage (:issue:`362`, :issue:`515`, :issue:`554`)
- Consistent support for symlinks across operating systems

- Support for Windows junctions (:issue:`535`)
- Symlinks are only resolved for :ref:`evaluating filters <filters>`

- Show error message on STDERR
when :option:`--fail-under-line` or :option:`--fail-under-branch` fails
- Can report decision coverage with :option:`--decisions` option
(reasonably formatted C/C++ source files only, HTML and JSON output)
- Can create reproducible reports with the :option:`--timestamp` option
- Improvements to :ref:`Exclusion markers` (LINE/START/STOP)

- Can ignore markers in code with :option:`--no-markers` option (:issue:`361`)
- Can customize patterns with :option:`--exclude-pattern-prefix` option

- Can use :option:`--cobertura` as a less ambiguous alias for :option:`--xml`.

Bug fixes and small improvements:

- Gcov is invoked without localization by setting LC_ALL=C (:issue:`513`)
- Gcov is invoked without temporary directories (:issue:`525`)
- Gcov: solved problems with file name limitations. (:issue:`528`)
- Fixed "root" path in JSON summary report. (:issue:`548`)
- Correctly resolve relative filters in configuration files. (:issue:`568`)
- HTML output: indicate lines with excluded coverage (:issue:`503`)
- HTML output: fixed sanity check to support empty files (:issue:`571`)
- HTML output: support ``jinja2 >= 3.1`` (:issue:`576`)


- Split documentation into smaller pages (:issue:`552`)
- Document used options for ``gcov`` (:issue:`528`)

Internal changes:

- Replaced own logger with Python's logging module. (:issue:`540`)
- New parser for ``.gcov`` file format, should be more robust. (:issue:`512`)
- New tests

- more compilers:
clang-10 (:issue:`484`),
clang-13 (:issue:`527`),
gcc-9 (:issue:`527`)
- ``-fprofile-abs-path`` compiler option (:issue:`521`)
- enabled symlink tests for Windows (:issue:`539`)

- Improvements to the test suite

- Use Nox instead of Makefiles to manage QA checks (:issue:`516`, :issue:`555`)
- Can run tests for all compiler versions in one go (:issue:`514`)
- More linter checks (:issue:`566`)
and code style enforcement with black (:issue:`579`)
- Better XML diffing with yaxmldiff (:issue:`495`, :issue:`509`)
- Share test reference data between compiler versions where possible
- Better environment variable handling (:issue:`493`, :issue:`541`)
- Fixed glob patterns for collecting reference files (:issue:`533`)
- Add timeout for each single test. (:issue:`572`)

- Improvements and fixes to the release process (:issue:`494`, :issue:`537`)
- Normalize shell scripts to Unix line endings (:issue:`538`, :issue:`547`)

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