
Latest version: v0.11.3

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The new version has new features, so many improvements and bugfixes.

If you want to contribute to debugger, you can donate, send commits, test it or contribute to documentation.

You may want to look at our `v1.0-stable` roadmap:

Enjoy the new version and happy debugging! 🎉🎉🎉

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* Fixed white space issue in the executable path.


* Fixed terminal daemon crashing issues that cause WebSocket connection failures.


* Better way to get sources.


* Fixed CPU usage issue.
* Fixed `importlib.util` importing issue with latest Python3 versions


With new version we have our own terminal sharing daemon, some new hotkeys (runtime controls F5-511), new Sky Theme and many minor enhancements.

The new terminal sharing daemon is working with GDBFrontend's WebSocket server. This new version needs testing, if you encounter any problem (especially maybe with the new terminal daemon), please send a bug report.

With new Terminal Daemon we have full control on the terminal with GDBFrontend API.


How can I contribute to the debugger?
You can be either a developer or a tester. Until the `v1.0-stable` there are so many features and ideas to do. 🎃🎃🎃

* New Terminal Daemon
* Default port is changed to `5550` and port usage is downed to only one port no longer with new Terminal Daemon.
* Hotkeys (F5-F11 for runtime control and CTRL+R for ExpressionEvaluater)
* Minor bugfixes and enhancements
* New Sky Theme

How to Install?
Install via PIP
If you want to install the debugger with PIP, it is so simple.
python3 -m pip install gdbfrontend

or if it is already installed, just do
python3 -m pip install --upgrade gdbfrontend

and start debugging!

You may also look to other installation options:

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