
Latest version: v1.0.4

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* Final touches for submission to JSS
* Correction in shorthestPath (bug reported by Sergei Petrov)
* Dependencies and imports reflect new CRAN rules



* Updated to reflect changes in igraph
* Changes in vignette
* Changes in default method pathInc (overlap)



* Class changes to BasicRaster
* Change from igraph0 to igraph 6
* Change in as(x, "transitionMatrix") to speed up transition()
* Update to the new adjacent method in raster



* Further adapting to naming changes in raster ("x" argument)
* Making the same change in gdistance ("x" is the first argument in any function)
* Bug fix in resistanceDistance: uncomment reproject
* Improved documentation of definitions of different distance functions
* Dependency on igraph0 -- to be changed to igraph 0.6 after May 31, 2012
* Removed initialize functions, using prototypes instead



* Bug fix in `transition(transitionFunction="barriers")`
* Methods added in `transition()`
* Summary functions redefined
* Adapting to changes in raster package (argument for Raster* objects is now always "x")
* adjacencyFromTransition added

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