
Latest version: v5.2.0

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🚀 Features

- Feature: preserve GDrive's last modified time when downloading 351 (Thanks moulins)
- Feature: allow folders to be continued more usefully 288 (Thanks achadwick)

✨ Enhancement

- Show resume progress bar from the middle 361

🐛 Fixes

- Use importlib.metadata to get the version number from the installed package 319
- BUG: Download folder with "skip_download=True" creates an output folder 321 (Thanks o-laurent)

💬 Other

- Fix typos in 323 (Thanks amorehead)
- Run GitHub Actions on macOS, Ubuntu, and Windows 324
- Support Windows and macOS in tests 359
- Typo in arg help text 343 (Thanks frosit)
- Trivial: Update the documentation for the output param 347 (Thanks abouelkhair5)


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🚀 Features

- Enable `python -m gdown <URL>` by renaming `` to `` 306
- Replace `md5` with `hash` in `gdown.cached_download` to support various hash algorithm 311
- Make log messages in `` customizable 312
- Add `skip_download` option to `gdown.download_folder` to return the list of files without download 317 (Thanks o-laurent)

✨ Enhancement

- Add extra pattern to extract url from download-form returned by Google Drive for a large file 308 (Thanks pmeier)
- Add FAQ link to error messages 318

💬 Other

- Move tests from `ci.yml` to `` 307


- For my daily development update, check [my Twitter/X](
- If you'd like to support this project, check [my sponsoring page](


🐛 Fixes

- Skip process only for gdrive files by breaking early 302, Thanks hungpham3112
- Retry with canonicalized url if original url is not gdrive url 304, Thanks pavse


- For my daily development update, check [my Twitter/X](
- If you'd like to support this project, check [my sponsoring page](


🚀 Features

- Use MozillaCookieJar instead of json to save cookies 300, Thanks 7x11x13

✨ Enhancement

- Print log message to stderr instead of stdout 297
- Simplify the message printed by `assert_md5sum` function 298

💬 Other

- Drop Python 2 and migrate to pyproject.toml 296
- Use line length of 88 instead of 79 299


- For my daily development update, check [my Twitter/X](
- If you'd like to support this project, check [my sponsoring page](


_**NOTE:** Gdown was down due to the Google Drive's change on User-Agent. Now it should be back to normal._

🐛 Fixes

- Fix User-Agent to download and add --user-agent option
- PR: 295
- Thanks rmcpantoja katzdm alirezaAsadi2018 and many others who reported this issue. (Sorry I missed the notification for a while.)


- For my daily development update, check [my Twitter/X](
- If you'd like to support this project, check [my sponsoring page](


🚀 Features

- Raise and handle exceptions
- PR: 260

🐛 Fixes

- Fix typo: uriginal -> original
- PR: 264



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