* PR-115: Removed mock request from get_model_queryset to fix 3rd party packages (thanks to imdario for PR)
* PR-106: Added Spanish localization (thanks to SalahAdDin for PR)
* PR-107, 119: Added Brazilian Portuguese localization (thanks to sedir, mord4z for PR)
* PR-109: Added German localization (thanks to dbartenstein for PR)
* PR-123: Added Czech localization (thanks to usakc for PR)
* Added breadcrumbs text wrapping
* Issue-127: Removed forgotten untranslated label in breadcrumbs (thanks to hermanocabral for report)
* PR-121, 122: Fixed jet_custom_apps_example.py for Django 1.10 (thanks to retailify for PR)
* Fixed CompactInline opening first navigation item when there are no items
* Issue-118: Fixed inlines max_forms field for CompactInline (thanks to a1Gupta for report)
* Issue-117: Fixed draggable field for dashboard modules (thanks to a1Gupta for report)
* Issue-117: Added LinkList module draggable/deletable/collapsible settings saving (thanks to a1Gupta for report)
* Issue-114: Fixed Django 1.10 filter_horizontal not working (thanks to vishalbanwari for report)
* Issue-126: Fixed related popup links for new inline items (thanks to kmorey for report)
* Issue-128: Fixed delete confirmation submit button misplacement (thanks to retailify for report)