Command Line Interface Allows you to copy all codes and assets from one Google account to another. The tool requires the following pre requisite
* _Both your google accounts have an external password, since it requires that to download and perform a lot of the operations. Also enable [__Let Less Secure App use your account_][1]_ on both these accounts._
* _Your system has native python available in terminal or command prompt depending on what kind of system you are using. You can check this by typing_ `python --version`
* _Git is installed on your system. For windows you can find [__installation here_][2]
* _Earth Engine Command Line(earthengine cli) interface is installed, instructions are in the [__developer page_][3]
* _You have authenticated earthengine cli using _`earthengine authenticate`
* _Make sure you visit the [__git source for your account_][4]_ within earth engine and allow access._
* _Check git is accessible via your system path type_ `git help` _and check if the system can reach installed git command line tools._