* New "Send From Upstream File" widget * Bug fixes
* Support for signing into multiple GenePattern servers at the same time * Integration with [NBTools](https://github.com/genepattern/nbtool-manager) * Refactored code to Jupyter's latest standards * Better Python variable support * Removed deprecated !AUTOEXEC flags
- Style updated for Jupyter Notebook 0.4.3 - Reload Task Form renamed to Duplicate Analysis - GenePattern link added to help menu - Job launching now more in line with Jupyter standards - GenePattern Broad server removed from default list - Revision of widget buttons - Bug fixes
- Important bug fix
- Updates for genepattern-python 1.2.2 dependency - Added "Send to DataFrame" option for ODF files - Added beta version of the new CallWidget - Added support Python variable input in GenePattern widgets - Bug fixes