Date: [August 27th, 2020]
A Genix example has been added to the source code: genix_backpack_example.
The example features examples of using text, grids, the centered connstraints, component events, and tooltips.
- The order of constraints added to a component no longer matters.
- Setting the visibility of a ui_component doesn't change their position in the sprite group when they are made visible again.
- Added a "Centered" constraint. You no longer have to use both "CenterX()" and "CenterY()" for constraining a component to it's parent's center.
- Added more genix colours. They are all listed in the new documentation.
- You can now set tooltips on UI Components using set_tooltip(component)
- set_visible can how hide all of a UI Container's children
* Call with set_visible(visibility=False, affect_children=True)
* If this is called as set_visible(visibility=False, affect_children=False) only the UI Container background itself will be hidden.
- Text components no longer have to be updated everytime the text changes.
- Setting the alpha of text now works.
- Text components now change scale based on screen size automatically without the need to add the RelativeWidth/RelativeHeight constraints yourself.