* New **JDBC driver** supporting any JVM language
* JAR attached, also available via Maven (see [Guide](https://mlin.github.io/GenomicSQLite/))
* [Colab notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1OlHPOcRQBhDmEnS1wtOdtUGDkcD7LtKx?usp=sharing) updated to demonstrate accessing compressed database via Spark SQL
* A small **format change** makes compressed databases created with previous versions **read-only**
* If needed, the "vacuum into" procedure can restore read/write capability
* No further format changes are planned at this time
[![docs](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-home-brightgreen)](https://mlin.github.io/GenomicSQLite/) [![PyPI version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/genomicsqlite.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/genomicsqlite/) [![conda](https://anaconda.org/mlin/genomicsqlite/badges/version.svg)](https://anaconda.org/mlin/genomicsqlite)
The managed packages bundle these compiled library files, also available for download here to use with C/C++ or other languages:
* **libgenomicsqlite.so** for Linux x86-64 (Haswell), built in Ubuntu 16.04
* **libgenomicsqlite.dylib** for macOS Catalina
An up-to-date version of SQLite itself is also required, as detailed in the [docs](https://mlin.github.io/GenomicSQLite/). Please [file an issue](https://github.com/mlin/GenomicSQLite/issues/new/choose) for any compatibility problems with systems that aren't older than specified above.
**USE AT YOUR OWN RISK:** The extension makes fundamental changes to the SQLite storage layer. While designed to preserve ACID transaction safety, it's young and unlikely to have zero bugs. This project is not associated with the SQLite developers.