Periods and frequencies now have families, e.g.
>> gp.wave.Tp.i_am()
>> gp.wave.Tp.my_family().get('frequency')
<class 'geo_parameters.wave.Fp'>
Names in family has been changed to long names ('mag' -> 'magnitude'). All of them are now:
`'magnitude','direction', 'x','y','opposite_direction','period','frequency'`
`my_family()` method now also has a short way to get a family member:
`assert gp.wind.WindDir.my_family('magnitude') == gp.wind.WindDir.my_family().get('magnitude')`
We can now also find a parameter in a list of parameters:
`gp.wave.Hs.find_me_in([gp.wave.Hs, gp.wave.Tp])` -> `gp.wave.Hs`
It uses the `is_same()` method, so we can get a specific instance of a class using the class:
`swh = gp.wave.Hs("swh")`
`gp.wave.Hs.find_me_in([swh, 'hs'])` -> `swh`