* Fix for Mac OS X Framework builds that use ``--universal-archs=intel``
* Fix ``activate_this.py`` on Windows.
* Allow ``$PYTHONHOME`` to be set, so long as you use ``source bin/activate`` it will get unset; if you leave it set and do not activate the environment it will still break the environment.
* Include pip 0.7.1
* Include pip 0.7
* Allow ``activate.sh`` to skip updating the prompt (by setting ``$VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT``).
* Include pip 0.6.3
* Fix ``activate.bat`` and ``deactivate.bat`` under Windows when ``PATH`` contained a parenthesis
* Include pip 0.6.2 and Distribute 0.6.10
* Create the ``virtualenv`` script even when Setuptools isn't installed
* Fix problem with ``virtualenv --relocate`` when ``bin/`` has subdirectories (e.g., ``bin/.svn/``); from Alan Franzoni.
* If you set ``$VIRTUALENV_DISTRIBUTE`` then virtualenv will use Distribute by default (so you don't have to remember to use ``--distribute``).