- Fixed `shp2geobuf` binary. - Fixed handling of `Point` features with implicitly encoded type.
- Improved encoding of `null` values. - Fixed handling of `null` geometries. - Fixed a bug with not always preserving key order in properties.
- **Breaking**: in Node, due to upgrade to `pbf` v3, `encode` will return `UInt8Array` instead of `Buffer`. You can use `Buffer.from(arr)` to convert the result to a `Buffer`. - Fixed a bug where `FeatureCollection` custom `properties` object wasn't encoded.
------------------ - Matches the functionality provided by mapbox/geobuf v3 (35) - Improved support for decoding coordinates with 3 dimensions (50) - Updated the protobuf definition to support the latest versions of protobuf (54) - **Breaking**: removed TopoJSON support - **Breaking**: changed encoding to not include the closing point of a polygon ring
------------------ - Fix integer encoding with Python 3 (33).
------------------ - Change coordinates to sint64 (21). - Adds support for Python 3.4+. This requires protobuf>=3.0 such as the version 3.0.0b2 on PyPI (22).