
Latest version: v2024.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 663899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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**Release Notes:**

Updated functionality:
- Existing functionality reorganized

New functionality:
- implements pre-commit hooks
- creates a place for future documentation on RTD
- restructures the repo for the purpose of adding plotting functionality that exceeds convenience/utility functions
- adds a conda environment specific to -viz development
- updates to README and INSTALLATION files to reflect new functionality and structure


Release Notes:
- Updated functionality:
1. **add_major_minor_ticks** (

- Added functionality:
1. **set_vector_density** (
2. **set_map_boundary** (
3. **plotCLabels** (
4. **plotELabels** (
5. **findLocalExtrema** (

- Removed functions (which were previously deprecated):
1. **nclize_axis**
2. **make_byr_cmap**

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