We are pleased to release GeoDesk Version 0.1.0 EA.
Please note that as this is still an Early Access release, some documented features may not yet be available. Specifically, Version 0.1.0 has the following limitations:
- Querying relation members by role is not yet supported. As a workaround, you can programmatically check `role()` of each `Feature` object returned by a member query.
- The query predicates `of()` and `with()` are not yet supported. As a workaround, rephrase these queries using `members()` and `parentRelations()`.
- Queries whose bounding boxes straddle the Antimeridian must be executed as two separate queries with normalized bboxes. (Issue clarisma/geodesk40)
- Regular expressions in queries are not yet supported. Wildcards expressions can accomplish the same result in most cases: `k="prefix*"`, `k="*postfix"`, `k="*infix*"` (Can also be combined: `w[highway][name="A*"][name="*weg"]` finds all streets whose name starts with "A" and ends with "weg").
- Spatial predicates are currently limited to `intersects`, `crosses`, `within` and `metersFromLonLat`. We expect to implement support for a full range of predicates shortly.
- The `gol` command-line utility does not yet support the `copy`, `remove`, `retain` and `vacuum` commands. Some minor options of `query` are not yet implemented.
We plan to ship at least one maintenance release before year-end, and expect Version 0.2 in Q1 2023. Please submit comments or reactions on the issues that you care most about, so we can prioritize our tasks.
Happy querying!