New Features
Aggregating a Layer By Cell
It is now possible to aggregate the cells of all values that share a key
in a layer via the ``aggregate_by_cell`` method. This method is useful when
you have a layer where you want to reduce all of the values by their key.
.. code:: python3
A tiled layer which contains duplicate keys with different values
that we'd like to reduce so that there is one value per key.
tiled_layer = ...
This will compute the aggregate SUM of each cell of values that share
a key within the layer.
Similar to the above command, only this one is finding the STANDARD_DEVIATION
for each cell.
Unioning Layers Together
Through the ``union`` method, it is now possible to union together an arbitrary number
of either ``RasterLayer``\s or ``TiledRasterLayers``.
.. code:: python3
Layers to be unioned together
layers = [raster_layer_1, raster_layer_2, raster_layer_3]
unioned_layers = gps.union(layers)
Getting Point Values From a Layer
By using the ``get_point_values`` method, one can retrieve data points that falls
on or near a given point.
.. code:: python3
from shapely.geometry import Point
The points we'd like to collect data at
p1 = Point(0, 0)
p2 = Point(1, 1)
p3 = Point(10, 10)
The tiled layer which will be queried
tiled_layer = ...
tiled_layer.get_point_values([p1, p2, p3])
The above code will return a ``[(Point, [float])]`` where each
point given will be paired with all of the values it covers (one for
each band of the Tile).
It is also possible to pass in a ``dict`` to ``get_point_values``.
.. code:: python3
labeled_points = {'p1': p1, 'p2': p2, 'p3': p3}
This will return a ``{k: (Point, [float])}`` which is similar to
the above code only now the ``(Point, [float])`` is the value
of the key that point had in the input ``dict``.
Combining Bands of Multiple Layers
``combine_bands`` will concatenate the bands of values that
share a key together to produce a new, single value. This new
Tile will contain all of the bands from all of the values
that shared a key from the given layers.
This method is most useful when you have multiple layers
that contain a single band from a multiband image; and you'd
like to combine them together so that all or some of the bands
are available from a single layer.
.. code:: python3
Three different layers that contain a single band from the
same scene
band_1_layer = ...
band_2_layer = ...
band_3_layer = ...
combined_layer will have values that contain three bands: the first
from band_1_layer, the second from band_2_layer, and the last from
combined_layer = gps.combine_bands([band_1_layer, band_2_layer, band_3_layer])
Other New Features
- `Merge method for RasterLayer and TiledRasterLayer <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/503>`__
- `Filter a RasterLayer or a TiledRasterLayer by time <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/518>`__
- `Polygonal Summary on all bands <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/519>`__
- `Better temporal resolution control when writing layers <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/542>`__
- `TiledRasterLayers can now perform the abs local operation <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/550>`__
- `TiledRasterLayers can now perform the ** local operation <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/551>`__
Bug Fixes
- `LayerType creation issue <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/494>`__
- `tuple serializer creation fix <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/497>`__
- `The TMS can now read from MultibandTile catalogs <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/508>`__
- `tileToLayout bug <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/525>`__
- `additional_jar_dirs fix <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/532>`__
- `stitch and saveStitch now work with MultibandTiles <https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/pull/537>`__