
Latest version: v0.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 688323 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Pull Requests Merged

Features added

* [PR 65]( - Add coordinate creation for pyresample area definitions
* [PR 63]( - Add spatial coordinate writing
* [PR 61]( - Add some support for gcps

In this release 3 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 7]( - rioxarray
* [Issue 6]( - Project Status
* [Issue 2]( - Design: active versus passive coordinate assignment

In this release 3 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Documentation changes

* [PR 36]( - Update README with features and conda-forge install instructions

In this release 1 pull request was closed.


Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 35]( - Fix requirements.txt not in sdist

In this release 1 pull request was closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 17]( - Renaming 'master' to 'main'
* [Issue 15]( - MNT: Stop using ci-helpers in appveyor.yml
* [Issue 9]( - Design for CRS extension
* [Issue 8]( - Handling of CRS objects in coordinates
* [Issue 4]( - Use new proj.4 to manage projections
* [Issue 1]( - Plans for geoxarray?

In this release 6 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Features added

* [PR 32]( - Make 'write_crs' default to builtin CRS information
* [PR 26]( - Add initial CRS handling to accessor
* [PR 22]( - Drop Python <3.9 and update pre-commit
* [PR 13]( - Add initial dimension handling in xarray accessors

Documentation changes

* [PR 31]( - Add documentation about projections, .crs, and .write_crs
* [PR 19]( - Add basic structure and content to documentation

In this release 6 pull requests were closed.



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