Added - information about formatted files is cached so that subsequent runs can avoid processing already formatted files - support for commands introduced between 3.16 and 3.19 releases of CMake
Changed - minor change to how OUTPUT argument in file(GENERATE) is formatted
Added - minor performance improvements - support for Python 3.6
Changed - files are taken as input only once even if provided multiple times - files are no longer overwritten if reformatting wouldn't lead to change of content - removed dependency to `packaging`
Added - some performance improvements - relaxed dependency to lark so that 0.9 can be used as well - loading configuration from `.gersemirc` but command line arguments still take precedence - colorized diffs with `--color`
Fixed - comments no longer interfere in splitting arguments by keywords which led to undesired formatting (1)
Fixed - line comments in unknown custom commands are preserved in their original form - fail-safe for AST mismatch (between before and after reformatting) now properly reports file where the problem occured
Added - utilize multiple cores if avaiable through `multiprocessing` module - use `--quiet` to suppress non-error message on stderr - support for commands from `cmake-modules` section of CMake documentation - support formatting of custom commands without keyworded arguments - custom command definitions can be marked now with ` gersemi: ignore` to suppress generating specialized formatter for these commands
Changed - commands with `PROPERTIES` keyword such as `set_directory_properties` now are formatted in uniform way as other commands with keyworded arguments
Fixed - idempotence of preserving formatting of unknown custom commands