-- Can pass empty dict as {shift,do}_interventions parameter and will have the same effect as not passing anything or passing None
-- Refactored matrix_block function
-- Fixed license and project URL in setup.py
-- Set a markdown readme for PyPi
-- Major changes in the readme
-- New sphinx documentation and doctests
-- Updated imports in setup.py, made dependency requirements more specific
-- The init of NormalDistribution can be asked to check that the covariance matrix is positive definite.
-- The regression method in NormalDistribution now uses np.linalg.solve to find the coefficients
-- ANM.sample, LGANM.sample now accept noise_interventions.
-- New module sempler.generators
-- New sphinx documentation and doctests
-- API changes:
-- sempler.dag_avg_dev and dag_full have been moved to sempler.generators
-- ANM.sample now requires the sample size to be specified
-- The methods in NormalDistribution throw new exceptions
-- NormalDistribution.equal now has optional arguments rtol and atol instead of tol.
-- The LGANM constructor is now LGANM(W, means, variances) instead of LGANM(W, variances, means)
v0.1.3, 2020-09-28 -- Fixed issues 1,2,3. Arrows now appear when plotting acyclic graphs.