-make updatefile honour symlinks, so users can alias one server's oldmail state file to another (for split-horizon DNS and other strange configurations). Thanks: Scott Hepler.
24 April 2007
-explicitly watch for broken POP3 servers that return a blank UIDL value (not permitted by the POP3 protocol) and print a fatal error message. Thanks: Florian Hackenberger and Cameron Rangeley.
18 March 2007
-fix wrong bytecount displayed in summary at end of run. Thanks: Andreas Jung.
20 February 2007
-add ignore_stderr option to filters, copying same from MDA_external destination. Thanks: Vittorio Beggi.
2 February 2007
-add max_bytes_per_session option. Thanks: Robert Spencer. -documentation additions.
24 January 2007
-make Mboxrd lock type configurable (lockf or flock). Change default to lockf. Thanks: Norman Carver.