- Multiple other motif databases (JASPAR, HOMER, HOCOMOCO, CIS-BP, ENCODE,
Factorbook, SwissRegulon, IMAGE).
- Helper script to combine peaks (summit files from MACS2)
- Helper script to create coverage table (similar to bedtools multicov)
- Option to report z-score normalized motif scores.
- Added precision-recall AUC to stats and `gimme roc`.
- `gimme motifs` now supports narrowPeak input.
- Updated documentation with an explanation of the score that `gimme maelstrom` reports.
- The `maelstrom` tools now use z-score normalized motif scores.
- Improved efficiency of motif scanning (>10X speed improvement).
- Removed dependency on R for rank aggregation.
- Dropped support for Python 2.
- Use versioneer for versioning.
- Removed the default genome in config file.
- Config file is now independent from GimmeMotifs version and will be created by
default on first use.
- Simplified script.
- Updated parameters for ChIPMunk motif finder.
- Fixed the seqcor similarity metric to use a non-random sequence and to also take
the reverse complement of motif 2 into account.
- Improved the speed of `gimme roc`.
- Fixed memory leak of `gimme roc`.
- Fixed `scale` for newer `pandas`/`sklearn` combo
- FIxed bug related to backgroundgradient with new pandas