What's Changed
* Gsk 1816 prompt injection garak by rabah-khalek in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1460
* LLM special chars injection by mattbit in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1467
* Feature/gsk 1819 set a minimum on langchains version by Hartorn in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1507
* Feature/gsk 1942 change the wordings of the contribution push by kevinmessiaen in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1498
* Avoid uploading default params several times by Hartorn in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1510
* Feature: LLM scan [GSK-1585, GSK-1815, GSK-1823, GSK-1880, GSK-1881, GSK-1882, GSK-1883, GSK-1910, GSK-1872] by mattbit in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1468
* Fix Sonar in CI to get coverage back by Hartorn in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1511
* [GSK-1891][GSK-1967] W&B related updates by rabah-khalek in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1505
* [GSK-1996] Fixing giskard import by rabah-khalek in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1515
* Add basic import test by Hartorn in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1516
* Adding Github action to regenerate Lockfile by Hartorn in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1506
* Fix `pip` CI job by mattbit in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1519
* [GSK-1608] Replace 'token' with 'key' when instantiating GiskardClient on demo notebooks by henchaves in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1520
* [GSK-1978,GSK-1965] LLM scan consolidation by mattbit in https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/pull/1513
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/compare/v2.0.0b28...v2.0.0b29