Support basic Github Action templating for jobs, steps and events.
Structure of the template file
| Field | Type| Description | Sample Value |
| name | String | Name of the GitHub Action. | `My Github Action` |
| jobs | Array |Array of jobs which the Github Action will contain |
| jobs[n].template |String| Full or relative path to the template file. Can be just the name if the default location (.action_templates/jobs) is used. | `.action_templates/jobs/hello-world.yaml` |
| jobs[n].if |String| Contents of the `if:` condition that will be used for this job. | `github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == '<some-value>'`|
| jobs[n].steps |Array| Array of step template objects |||
| jobs[n].steps[n].template |String| Full or relative path to the template file. Can be just the name if the default location (.action_templates/steps) is used.| `python-setup`|
| jobs[n].steps[n].if |String| Contents of the `if:` condition that will be used for **all steps** in this template. | `always()`|
| events |Array| Array of events, these correspond to the `on` section of a workflow file. |
| events[n].template |String| Full or relative path to the template file. Can be just the name if the default location (.action_templates/events) is used.| `on-pull-request-master` |