
Latest version: v0.45.2

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- Don't store issues which are actually pull requests. [Enrico Tröger]

This prevents storing pull requests twice since the Github API returns
pull requests also as issues. Those issues will be skipped but only if
retrieving pull requests is requested as well.
Closes 23.


- Softly fail if not able to read hooks. [Albert Wang]
- Add note about 2-factor auth. [Albert Wang]
- Make user repository search go through endpoint capable of reading
private repositories. [Albert Wang]
- Prompt for password if only username given. [Alex Hall]


- Force proper remote url. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Improve error handling in case of HTTP errors. [Enrico Tröger]

In case of a HTTP status code 404, the returned 'r' was never assigned.
In case of URL errors which are not timeouts, we probably should bail
- Add --hooks to also include web hooks into the backup. [Enrico Tröger]
- Create the user specified output directory if it does not exist.
[Enrico Tröger]

Fixes 17.
- Add missing auth argument to _get_response() [Enrico Tröger]

When running unauthenticated and Github starts rate-limiting the client,
github-backup crashes because the used auth variable in _get_response()
was not available. This change should fix it.
- Add repository URL to error message for non-existing repositories.
[Enrico Tröger]

This makes it easier for the user to identify which repository does not
exist or is not initialised, i.e. whether it is the main repository or
the wiki repository and which clone URL was used to check.


- Add release script. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Refactor to both simplify codepath as well as follow PEP8 standards.
[Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Retry 3 times when the connection times out. [Mathijs Jonker]
- Made unicode output defalut. [Kirill Grushetsky]
- Import alphabetised. [Kirill Grushetsky]
- Preserve Unicode characters in the output file. [Kirill Grushetsky]

Added option to preserve Unicode characters in the output file
- Josegonzales/python-github-backup12 Added backup of labels and
milestones. [aensley]
- Fixed indent. [Mathijs Jonker]
- Skip unitialized repo's. [mjonker-embed]

These gave me errors which caused mails from crontab.
- Added prefer-ssh. [mjonker-embed]

Was needed for my back-up setup, code includes this but readme wasn't updated
- Retry API requests which failed due to rate-limiting. [Chris Adams]

This allows operation to continue, albeit at a slower pace,
if you have enough data to trigger the API rate limits
- Logging_subprocess: always log when a command fails. [Chris Adams]

Previously git clones could fail without any indication
unless you edited the source to change `logger=None` to use
a configured logger.

Now a non-zero return code will always output a message to
stderr and will display the executed command so it can be
rerun for troubleshooting.
- Switch to using ssh_url. [Chris Adams]

The previous commit used the wrong URL for a private repo. This was
masked by the lack of error loging in logging_subprocess (which will be
in a separate branch)
- Add an option to prefer checkouts over SSH. [Chris Adams]

This is really useful with private repos to avoid being nagged
for credentials for every repository
- Add pull request support. [Kevin Laude]

Back up reporitory pull requests by passing the --include-pulls
argument. Pull requests are saved to
repositories/<repository name>/pulls/<pull request number>.json. Include
the --pull-request-comments argument to add review comments to the pull
request backup and pass the --pull-request-commits argument to add
commits to the pull request backup.

Pull requests are automatically backed up when the --all argument is
- Add GitHub Enterprise support. [Kevin Laude]

Pass the -H or --github-host argument with a GitHub Enterprise hostname
to backup from that GitHub enterprise host. If no argument is passed
then back up from


- Add support for retrieving repositories. Closes 1. [Jose Diaz-
- Fix PEP8 violations. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Add authorization to header only if specified by user. [Ioannis
- Fill out readme more. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Fix import. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Properly name readme. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create .gitignore. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create requirements.txt. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create LICENSE.txt. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Create github-backup. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]

!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
[[ $RELEASE_TRACE ]] && set -x

if [[ ! -f ]]; then
echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Missing${COLOR_OFF}\n"
exit 1

PACKAGE_NAME="$(cat | grep 'name="' | head | cut -d '"' -f2)"

COLOR_OFF="\033[0m" unsets color to term fg color
RED="\033[0;31m" red
GREEN="\033[0;32m" green
YELLOW="\033[0;33m" yellow
MAGENTA="\033[0;35m" magenta
CYAN="\033[0;36m" cyan

ensure wheel is available
pip install wheel >/dev/null

command -v gitchangelog >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Missing gitchangelog binary, please run: pip install gitchangelog==3.0.4${COLOR_OFF}\n"
exit 1

command -v rst-lint >/dev/null || {
echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Missing rst-lint binary, please run: pip install restructuredtext_lint${COLOR_OFF}\n"
exit 1

command -v twine >/dev/null || {
echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Missing twine binary, please run: pip install twine==3.2.0${COLOR_OFF}\n"
exit 1

if [[ "$" != "major" ]] && [[ "$" != "minor" ]] && [[ "$" != "patch" ]]; then
echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Invalid release type, must specify 'major', 'minor', or 'patch'${COLOR_OFF}\n"
exit 1


set +e
git status | grep -Eo "working (directory|tree) clean" &>/dev/null
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then working directory is NOT clean
echo -e "${RED}WARNING: You have uncomitted changes, you may have forgotten something${COLOR_OFF}\n"
exit 1
set -e

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Updating local copy"
git pull -q origin master

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Retrieving release versions"

current_version=$(cat ${INIT_PACKAGE_NAME}/ | grep '__version__ =' | sed 's/[^0-9.]//g')
major=$(echo $current_version | awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[1]}')
minor=$(echo $current_version | awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[2]}')
patch=$(echo $current_version | awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[3]}')

if [[ "$" == "major" ]]; then
major=$(($major + 1))
elif [[ "$" == "minor" ]]; then
minor=$(($minor + 1))
elif [[ "$" == "patch" ]]; then
patch=$(($patch + 1))


echo -e "${YELLOW} >${COLOR_OFF} ${MAGENTA}${current_version}${COLOR_OFF} -> ${MAGENTA}${next_version}${COLOR_OFF}"

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Ensuring readme passes lint checks (if this fails, run rst-lint)"
rst-lint README.rst || exit 1

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Creating necessary temp file"
tempfoo=$(basename $0)
TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/${tempfoo}.XXXXXX) || {
echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Cannot create temp file using mktemp in /tmp dir ${COLOR_OFF}\n"
exit 1

find_this="__version__ = \"$current_version\""
replace_with="__version__ = \"$next_version\""

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Updating ${INIT_PACKAGE_NAME}/"
sed "s/$find_this/$replace_with/" ${INIT_PACKAGE_NAME}/ >$TMPFILE && mv $TMPFILE ${INIT_PACKAGE_NAME}/

if [ -f docs/ ]; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Updating docs"
find_this="version = '${current_version}'"
replace_with="version = '${next_version}'"
sed "s/$find_this/$replace_with/" docs/ >$TMPFILE && mv $TMPFILE docs/

find_this="version = '${current_version}'"
replace_with="release = '${next_version}'"
sed "s/$find_this/$replace_with/" docs/ >$TMPFILE && mv $TMPFILE docs/

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Updating CHANGES.rst for new release"
version_header="$next_version ($(date +%F))"
set +e
dashes=$(yes '-' | head -n ${version_header} | tr -d '\n')
set -e
gitchangelog | sed "4s/.*/$version_header/" | sed "5s/.*/$dashes/" >$TMPFILE && mv $TMPFILE CHANGES.rst

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Adding changed files to git"
if [ -f docs/ ]; then git add docs/; fi

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Creating release"
git commit -q -m "Release version $next_version"

if [[ "$PUBLIC" == "true" ]]; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Creating python release files"
python sdist bdist_wheel >/dev/null

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Validating long_description"
twine check dist/*

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Tagging release"
git tag -a $next_version -m "Release version $next_version"

echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Pushing release and tags to github"
git push -q origin master && git push -q --tags

if [[ "$PUBLIC" == "true" ]]; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}--->${COLOR_OFF} Uploading python release"
twine upload dist/*

echo -e "\n${CYAN}RELEASED VERSION ${next_version}!${COLOR_OFF}\n"

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