- fixed logging - fix no branch crash when no branch is set up - added fetch buttons - double ESC will exit gitonic - new hotkey Alt-c to go directly to commit tab - added F5, F6 hotkeys for changing the active tabs - custom formatter support - defined under settings `formatter.json` -
- sort files in changes tab -
- git current branch in changes tab - support for black -
- bug fix, due to corrupted local env - double click in changes view will stage/ unstage a file -
- changes view height - bug fix, due to corrupted local env - bug fix, removed control-x hotkey -
- fix save settings - set focus on commit entry after clearing fields - expert (dev-mode) logging tab - calling diff-tool will not switch to log tab - icon support with [`fontawesome`](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome) and [`pytkfaicons`](https://github.com/kr-g/pytkfaicons) - added tooltips - added hotkeys - BUG fix: search only in first level of workspace folder for git folder -