**Change Log:** 1. Updates of Readme 2. Fixed some bugs and errors.
**Change Log**: 1. When internet is unavailable that error has solved. 2. Version problem solved.
**Change Log:** 1.Fixed the version issue 2.Fixed modulenotfounderror of click
**Change Log:** 1. CLI now made with click python module. 2. With more and advanced features. 3. Added support to login through github. 4. Can get the 4 types of url like clone url,html url,ssh url,git url. 5. Can extract the repository id. 6. Can extrac the Github username details.
<p align="center"> <h3>GIT URL EXTRACTOR V1.0</h3> </p> Simply Install The App and run as Administrator. </br> To Know More about the App visit the Read the <a href="https://github.com/PrathameshDhande22/Git-URL-Extractor-using-Python/blob/main/README.md">Readme</a>