* Added a new check on workflow runs for accounts which are NOT contributors, presenting a WARNING on screen. This could help identify hack attempts via Workflow runs.
* Added a new check on releases to identify accounts which create releases/upload assets and are NOT contributors, also WARNING on screen.
* Added pulling and analysis of Comments for Commits, Issues and Pull Requests.
* Added messages to point out when comments get updated (Edited) after a day of being created.
* Added parsing of reactions for comments in Commits, Issues and Pulls. We're printing the comment that had the most Positive, Neutral and Negative reactions in Commits, Issues and PRs.
* Added support capped to 5000 Workflow runs for analyzing past workflow runs in a repository. Runs can go very high in the, for example, 50k, which is why we cap.
* Added a limit of 5000 Artifacts inspection to prevent the analysis from being too expensive in really big repositories.
* Added support to get repository labels, pointing out specifically those which are custom.
* Added to the repository summary the printing of stargazers and watchers count even if 0, as it talks about reputation.
* Added code to fetch environment protection rules; but it is commented out because it is seldom used.
* Added to contributors_xray.py, a message to the user on how to use the filtering function in order to filter results for non-contributors.
* Added to gx_context.py, two (2) helper methods, isContributor and areContributors which iterate and check logins against the list of cached repo contributors.
* Added to the UNRELIABLE ACTIVITY message a clarification that the mismatch may be due to a rebased repository.
* Added count of Pull Requests to the output line showing the PR link for a contributor.
* Changed the way we refer to account results in gx_output.py - Instead of stating Contributors we're going to say accounts, as we may have non-contributor results.
* Moved multiple results that were under the "urls" category to the corresponding category instead (eg. commit urls to a commit category). Makes it easier to navigate visually.
* Fixed a visual typo (extra space) when printing 'starred' public events in verbose mode.
* Fixed querying of environments for exceptional repository-cases where the API returns a 404 not found in json format instead of an empty list of results.
* Fixed gh_api code for limiting results count in pagination when the API returns a dict with total_results followed by a list.
* Fixed identifying unreliable dates in commits mismatching account creation dates. Now only checking against 'author', and not checking against 'committer'.