Major Updates
- **Anisotropic material** support in 3D. Simply feed 3×3 non singular tensors into *e* and *mu* parameters of materials
- All electromagnetic and geometrodynamic objects are collected in **glimy.geo** module.
- **glimy.Continuum(grid_size, ds)** no longer needs dim parameter.
- **Continuum(...).impose_grid()** method is added. You can fetch grid from another applications such as saving, optimization algorithms.
- Energizers no longer added with **Continuum(...).add_energizer()**. It is from now on added with **Continuum(...).add()**.
- **geo\*D.V\*** objects are depreciated. Instead, **time** parameter is added in material objects(**geo.PointCloud**, **geo.Rectangle**, **geo.Circle**, **geo.RectPrism**, **geo.Sphere**, **geo.Cylinder**). Yes, from now on, you are able to work with circles, spheres and cylinders through the time.
- **Continuum(...).build()** method is now used to built electromagnetic and geometrodynamic grid. Call it after adding all assets.
- **Continuum(...).view_metric** method is designed to view gravitational time dilation due to massive objects
- Progress bar is integrated into renderer.
- **glimy.Render()** is **DEPRECIATED**. Use **Continuum(...).Render()** from now on.
- Fancy visualization tools are added to see anisotropic grid, E-field and H-field.
Backend Speed-up
- Instead of loops, vectorization is used in the new edition. It provided significant speed-up up to 1000x.
This work is dedicated to all suffered from massive series of high magnitude earthquakes in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria. For the memory of them, the version is named as the river pass through epicenter of the Earthquake: Söğütlü.
Call to Geoscientists
FDTD formulation is also compatible with seismic waves. Hence Seismic wave computations can be easily embedded into glimy.