
Latest version: v1.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 714919 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


Commit the changes on your release branch and push them:

git add glirel
git commit -m "Release: v{VERSION}"
git push -u origin main

Step 2: (Optional) Make sure all tests pass

If you add tests, then you should also add CI, e.g. like this [`tests.yaml`]( file. This will automatically run tests whenever you make changes, it can be very useful. Make sure all tests that you may have pass before proceeding to the next step.

Step 3: Add a tag for your release

A tag will flag the exact commit associated to your release (and be easier to remember than the commit hash!). The tag should be `v<VERSION>` so for instance `v4.12.0`.

Here is how you can create and push your tag:

git tag v<VERSION>
git push --tags origin main

Step 4: (Optional) Prepare the release notes

You can then put your release notes in a Draft Release on GitHub, in []( and write a small paragraph highlighting each of the new features this release is adding.

You can use the previously created tag to let GitHub auto-generate some release notes based on recent pull requests.

Step 5: Create the wheels for your release

This is what you'll upload on PyPI and what everyone will download each time they `pip install` your package.

Clean previous builds by deleting the `build` and `dist` directories or by running:

rm -rf build && rm -rf dist

Then run:

python -m build

This will create two folders, `build` and a `dist` with the new versions of your package. These contain a 1) source distribution and a 2) wheel.

Step 6: Upload your package on PyPI test


This is the most important check before actually releasing your package in the wild. Upload the package on PyPI test and check you can properly install it.

To upload it:

twine upload dist/* -r pypitest --repository-url=

You will be prompted for your username and password.

If that doesn't work, you can create an API Token for your Test PyPI account and create a `~/.pypirc` account if it doesn't already exist, with:

index-servers =

repository =
username = __token__
password = pypi-...

(some more details on this [here](

And then run:
twine upload dist/* -r glirel_test

Once that has uploaded the package, in a fresh environment containing all dependencies you need (tip: you can use Google Colab for this!), try to install your new package from the PyPI test server. First install all dependencies, and then your package.

python -m pip install torch transformers huggingface_hub flair seqeval tqdm
python -m pip install -i glirel

If everything works, you should be able to run the quickstart code in the [README](./

Step 7: Publish on PyPI

This cannot be undone if you messed up, so make sure you have run Step 6!

Once you’re fully ready, upload your package on PyPI:

twine upload dist/* -r pypi

You will be prompted for your username and password, unless you're using the recommended [PyPI API token](

Step 8: (Optional) Publish your release notes

Go back to the draft you did at step 4 ([]( and publish them.

Step 9: Bump the dev version on the main branch

You’re almost done! Just go back to the `main` branch and change the dev version in [`glirel/`](glirel/ to the new version you’re developing, for instance `` if just released `4.12.0`.



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