:ballot_box_with_check:Add `pydantic` models for QiwiWrapper
* :heavy_plus_sign:This speeds up the api by almost 10%
* :heavy_plus_sign:This makes it possible to get absolutely any object from the api answer.
:ballot_box_with_check: Some fixes with aiohttp parser, add `__aenter__` and `__aexit__` dunder methods
* :heavy_plus_sign: In 0.2.1 api use only 1 client session to reach the endpoint
* :heavy_plus_sign: This gives x3 performance for the api
:ballot_box_with_check: Add new methods to yoo_money and qiwi api
:ballot_box_with_check: Add custom exceptions for different status codes
* :heavy_plus_sign: This gives your code more granularity
* :heavy_plus_sign: In 0.2.1 u can handle exceptions and get json representation of errors
from glQiwiApi import QiwiWrapper
Pass the async with context
w = QiwiWrapper(without_context=True)
:ballot_box_with_check:Another features
* Token parameters are now optional in 0.2.1, but you must to pass on they to work with api
* Custom check the `Bill` object, but you can use the old version if you like it
from glQiwiApi import QiwiWrapper
async def main():
async with QiwiWrapper(secret_p2p='my_p2p') as w:
w.public_p2p = 'my_public_p2p'
bill = await w.create_p2p_bill(amount=1)
new version
new_status = await bill.check()
old version
old_status = (await w.check_p2p_bill_status(bill.bill_id))== 'PAID'